Thursday, May 17, 2007

The programm for June and July


7th -- Worship: Kathy
Topic : 救恩 与 见证--AiLing

14th -- Worship: YangHao
Topic: 圣经人物 雅各 -- Sunday

21st -- Worship: Yvonne
Topic: 圣灵在教会是如何工作的 -- Young Gun

28th -- Worship: Joshua XiaoYu


5th -- Worship: Alex
Topic: 男女关系与友情 -- AiLing and Kai-Chiu

12nd -- Worship: Vikei
Topic: 喜乐人生 -- Joshua

19th -- Worship: Sunday
Topic: 金钱,时间 -- Po

26th -- Worship: Po
Topic: 亲人 -- Yvonne

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